Style 1


Agent Name

Style 2


Style 3 (Select Image)



Desktop - Apple Mail

Open this webpage in Chrome (NOT safari)

Fill out your information (URL info is optional)

Press ‘Copy’ button

Open settings > signatures

Create new signature for account

Deselect “always match my default message font”

Paste into window

Open a new message & select appropriate signature from the dropdown

Desktop - Gmail

Open this webpage in Chrome (NOT safari)

Fill out your information (URL info is optional)

Press ‘Copy’ button

Open Gmail settings > General > Signature

Paste into window

Save Changes

Desktop - Outlook

Open this webpage in Chrome (NOT safari)

Fill out your information (URL info is optional)

Press ‘Copy’ button

In Outlook, go to File > Options > Mail > Signatures > New

Paste into window

Save Changes

Mobile - iPhone - Apple Mail

Open this webpage in Chrome (NOT safari)

Fill out your information (URL info is optional)

Press ‘Copy’ button (if there are issues copying, use Spark Email App from App Store)

Go to iPhone settings

Scroll down to ‘mail’

Scroll down to ‘signature’

Paste into settings

Mobile - iPhone - Gmail

Open this webpage in Chrome (NOT safari)

Fill out your information (URL info is optional)

Press ‘Copy’ button (if there are issues copying, use Spark Email App from App Store)

Open gmail app

Tap on the three line menu button (top left of screen)

Scroll down and tap settings

Select an email account

Tap signature settings

Turn on the slider for mobile signature

Paste signature into the box

Mobile - Android

Open this webpage in Chrome

Press Copy at the top of the screen.

Open the native Email app.

Press on the Menu button at the top right of the screen and choose Settings.

Select General Settings in the Settings menu.

Check that the Use signature setting is ticked and then press Signature.

Press and hold the screen until you see a popup box.

Remember to remove any previous signature text if you have not already done so.

Paste your HTML signature into the box and press Save.

If there are issues, go to Google Play store and download Spark - Email App by Readdle


Need some help? Our team is happy to assist.

Just shoot us an email at and we’ll setup an appointment to get your email signatures set up.

Happy Emailing!